Run S56K and M106K Tablet on Linux System

Run S56K and M106K Tablet on Linux System

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For some reasons, GAOMON doesn’t develop specific drivers for Linux system or its distros. However, some customers have given us suggestions to make GAOMON tablets run on a Linux system. Thanks for their efforts. Now we put the solutions here for your reference. If you had a better solution, greatly welcome to tell us!

Method from DIGImend project.

This solution is a collection of graphics tablet drivers for the Linux kernel, produced and maintained by the DIGImend project. Thanks to the efforts of the author, Nikolai Kondrashov, and other volunteers, after installing the driver offered by DIGImend project, you can run S56K and M106K on Linux system computer. If you met some questions, you can discuss and get help from DIGImend project.

Here is the link and recommend you read it carefully:

Method from one of our customers

One of our customers has successfully run S56K on Ubuntu and offered his solution for reference, but this doesn’t mean all of you could make it. This solution uses PlayOnLinux to simulate a windows environment. So just a suggestion for your reference. Click PlayOnLinux wiki, you can get support and details from PlayOnLinux team. Here we list out steps the customer has done to run GAOMON driver on Ubuntu for your reference.

  • After installing PlayOnLinux, please open its interface and click the ‘Run’ option and then select ‘Install a program’open the interface of PlayOnLinux and click the ‘Run’ option and then select ‘Install a program’
  • Select ‘Install a non-listed program’ and then go nextSelect ‘Install a non-listed program’ and then go next--GAOMONAfter selecting ‘Install a non-listed program’, go next--run GAOMON on Linux
  • Select ‘Install a program in a new virtual drive’ and click ‘Next’Select ‘Install a program in a new virtual drive’ -- run GAOMON on Linux
  • Don’t choose the three options, just go ‘next’.Don’t choose the three options--run GAOMON on Linux
  • There are two options you could choose. It depends on what kind of bits of your Linux OS is. Please choose a corresponding bit and go ‘Next’.choose a corresponding bit--run GAOMON on Linux
  • Click ‘Browse’ to choose the wins GAOMON driver setup package, then you could run the GAOMON driver trough PlayOnLinux on your Linux OS.Click ‘Browse’ to choose the wins GAOMON driver setup package--run GAOMON on Linux

If this solution failed to help you, please feel free to contact us. We’re always here for you.

You can submit your issue from here: GAOMON SUPPORT TEAM.

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Why not support linux, is a good market.


I am using Gaomon PD1560 tablet monitor under Linux, tried digimend drivers but still have some problems with recognizing device. Is There any plans developing official Linux drivers? Could you tell, please?


I own a PD1560 and my laptop runs on Linux. I’m looking forward in anticipation for a native Linux driver. Is it any beta driver availble for testing?

Lucky Red Robin
Lucky Red Robin

Will you likely release a driver soon? I am about to upgrade my tablet, but no Linux support is an absolute deal-breaker for me. I’d like to be able to consider Gaomon. Best wishes.

Abdulaziz Ladan
Abdulaziz Ladan

This did not work for my Gaomon S620. We would really love it if you could release drivers for linux. The S620 works well on Windows. It would be awesome if I could use it on my PC


A pity not to have support for linux almost bought the M10k in aliexpress, but unfortunately I will have to continue with wacom because it is the only one that works without problems but just connect and use.

Karsten Paech

Please support Linux. I’d like to quit using Windows.

Mek Bukanan
Mek Bukanan

Any updates on Linux support? I’d be interested in buying the PD digitizer -if there was support…


Saw that the dev team has been contacted about developing Linux drivers. Any progress updates on this or a release date estimate? Looking into getting a Gaomon S620 to use on my Ubuntu laptop.


What about 860t? This manual can help with this model? And when finaly Linux drivers release? It’s happen in 2019?


The Gaomons looks to be excellent tablets from what I can tell, but I cannot purchase one until Linux drivers are available in some form. I hope you guys are still working toward this goal. I hope I can support your Linux efforts financially someday. 🙂


M106K (and many other tablets) works on the Linux kernel => 5.1